Monday, October 30, 2006

For the hopeless romantic

I watched High Fidelity the other was not my favorite movie, but it had me thinking about the way we evolve, the relationships we once had, etc etc... As someone who still believes in sappy fair tales (that is, the way we think of them these days, rather than the gruesome Grimm ones), I LOVE hearing about others' cutesy, sweet stories. I like to know that it's not just in the realm of fiction that such stories exist. I'm always curious about how couples end up together--how that initial journey began... Do you have any favorite stories to share of sweet first dates? Or favorite stories of how someone else or you initiated that first kiss?


The Bumblebee said...

b/c you wrote about romance you're now advertising for LUSH. Sure beats ads about Megan's law!

the_ocean said...

Ooh, I have yet to try lush but I hear that the b-sting likes it