Saturday, October 28, 2006

Translated prose

Since I am a literary dork and couldn't resist being at least a bit of an adult, we have a bonus edition today. What is the most recent book that you loved and was originally written in a different language?

My vote goes out to Blindness, by Jose Saramago...He did an absolutely remarkable job of portraying the human condition in a hypothetical was a chillingly realistic and thought-provoking read...

I'd love to read some of his other books too. He won the 1998 Nobel Prize in Literature... Here's the link for those of you who may be interested:

Some of Borges' short stories are amazing as well... I have a few books of translated Proust I have yet to tackle so the verdict's still out on those...


Anonymous said...

oh i love that book!
it's so good!

Anonymous said...

"My name is Red" by Orhan Pamuk, who just won the Nobel prize. The book itself is sort of a rip-off of "the name of the rose" (perhaps intentionally!), and the ending a little anticlimactic, but otherwise, I cannot believe this incredibly beautiful English was once Turkish. Warning: highly dense book, though.