Sunday, April 08, 2012


That time of year again... figuring out special foods...  I'm not a vegetarian who likes fake meat for the purposes of imitating fake meat.  Similarly, I don't see the point in making foods to pretend to have flour in them... Why not make food that requires no crazy substitutions?

So far, the list for this year includes:

Flourless coocolate cake (of course)...though I have discovered that with the kitchenaid, it does change the consistency of batter and it's time to putz once again with recipes...

Matzah ball soup (of course)...  tried this year to put bits of spinach, carrots, onions, and herbs in the balls this year for both taste and to increase the nutritional value...

Grilled spicy salmon

Steamed halibut with scallions and ginger

Whole foods actually makes a gefilte fish with salmon that's pretty good...

Next up, mashed potatoes with cream and shitake mushrooms and roasted butternut squash...

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