Sunday, September 06, 2015

recording. mayo. pancakes. and more.

Augh, I hate it when I don't record which, of many recipe versions I have used.

Case last night--mayo. I still can't find the original one I tried. >:(
This is one I tried last night but did the 1 drop of hot water trick:

It's not as good as the original recipe I tried, which I still can't find.

And then we made buttermilk dressing:

We made an aioli with the mayo. Added siracha.

And tried to apporximate the siracha dressing at Trader Joe's. by adding a bit of the siracha aioli to the buttermilk dressing on the spot. (We still wanted some normal buttermilk dressing for the rest of the week)

This morning--pancakes. I've tried a dozen recipes and still can't find "the one." And I have done a terrible job of keeping track of what's been tried.

Let's try this one today:

Let's go with 375 degrees

1 comment:

the_ocean said...

375 was WAY too hot. And nay on the recipe