Saturday, December 01, 2012

Cornmeal and artichoke-crusted Halibut

Background: It's been freezing lately and I decided to give in to ordering groceries online instead of walking and schlepping. On the bright side, I finally restocked on heavier items. On both the upside and downside, some products come differently than I imagined...One of those items was halibut. I guess I was expecting smaller, more manageable pieces when I ordered a pound of fish... Had I known I'd have a huge long piece of fish, skin attached, I would've also bought scallions and ginger to make an Asian style steamed fish.

I'd bought olives and artichokes in preparation for The Hurricane. Having lived in Florida through hurricane seasons enough times I realized that I'm better off buying foods I would enjoy eating if a hurricane were not to come...(or even if it were to come) than the standard ones people tend to buy but then dread to eat if a hurricane doesn't come by... Anyway, since I now had them on hand, I decided to get adventurous and make an artichoke and olive (think tapenade) breadcrumb topping for the aforementioned halibut and bake it... Never tried doing the American breadcrumb baked fish thing but since I was low on Asian ingredients, it seemed like the only option left...of course, I then realized I was out of usable breadcrumbs...  so the next best thing I had on hand was cornmeal...

Melt butter in the microwave--I used about 1/4 to 1/2 stick (there were only ends of a few sticks left...) and stuck in the microwave for about 30 minutes.
Add cornmeal to bowl and mix until it forms a paste with the butter.
Add artichokes and my case I used two very large artichokes from a Trader Joe's can and three olives.
Chop it all up

Rinse fish and coat with flour.
Place in oiled 9x13 glass baking dish
Spread fish with cornmeal topping.
Bake at 350 until fish seems done. (Check standard measurements for how much fish you have poundage wise and heating time required)

Remove and serve with sliced avocado and lime juice


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