Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Ha...and every good cooking or baking spell must be broken.

I made carrot cake the other night. Well, I started to and midway through, after the eggs had been added and carrots shredded, I realized that I was out of brown sugar and a cup short of flour and half a cup short on shredded coconut. Normally, this would not pose a problem--quick run to the store, a zip and a zap and voila, right? Well, right, except that I was going to book club...so I covered the pyrex bowls, stuck 'em in the frige, and by the time book club ended, my stomach was full, my brain on white wine, I forgot just what I'd been missing for my cake, minus that they were crucial ingredients. Well, I managed to pick up another bag of king arthur flour and coconut and proceeded with my cake... except, couldn't quite remember where in that lovely recipe I'd left off. I added the flour and coconut and proceeded to stir the wet and dry, and bake the cake.

It smelled good. I was getting excited. And then I ill-fatedly ate a slice and realized that I'd forgotten the sugar.

Let me just say that carrot cake, without sugar, just isn't as good. I tried making a coconut milk syrup, poking holes, and infusing the cake with syrup but... brown sugar that's been baked in is NOT equal to white sugar added after baking, even if mixed with coconut milk.

Lesson learned: I have no executive functioning and would desperately fail any tower of london task.

I'm going to Chicago tomorrow. I'm excited about the eating...

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